BELTANE fire festival
Alabaster limbs jerk in manic dance.
Shadow lurkers, back into their burrows.
Miniature figures ebb and flow against
Giant wooden fire stacks while this
Land dreams of future factories and smog.
Fires greedily climb the sky
Lit up bright a faux dawn.
Smoke, thick and acrid
Flames, napped flint sharp.
But vernal night still carries chill as
Herdsmen drive through smoke,
And bovid blood is cleansed.
Spring sits well with summer promise
Flora and Fauna, slave caged in winter
Now gambol young and playful, again
Woollen stories in Albion's pastoral idyll.
Cleansed from winters iron
To stretch and love in May time
Summer children arms full of white blossom
Backstroking through their verdant life.
©️ david/dai fry 9th September 2019.